Welcome & Join Me on my Freedom Business! "Promoting & Investing into Real Estate"

How do you Feel if you have a Freedom Business that will allow you to do the things you want and escape from the Job that you don't want?

" What Does...

'Business Success'

Mean To You...?

For some, it means not having to worry about job security & financial needs anymore specially in the current climate of uncertainty.

For others, it could mean living the dream life they want on their own terms, the dream house, the dream cars, the holidays, the abundance of time freedom and be in a position to experience the finer things in life.

If you’re looking to start a business, We have good news for you.

Is Your Answer a YES to One or More of the Following Questions?

  • Do you wish to start a business but does not know how to start?
  • Do you want to start a business but don't have enough money or capital to start?
  • Do you want to Increase your Income but don't have any idea how? Or what business to start with?
  • Do you have an existing business but you were tied up with your time & barely no time freedom at all?
  • Do you have a fresh business idea but you don't have enough money to start?
  • Are you concerned about starting a business because you don’t have any experience?
  • Are you stucked in a JOB that you are not passionate about & wanting to change career?
  • Are you worried that you may lost your job because of the uncertatinty of the economy?
  • Are you worried that you may stucked in a job that you hate until retirement?
  • Are you thinking to retire young and enjoy life but you don't have any financial resources?
  • Are you passionate about helping people and making a difference with other people's lives?

If Your Answer to Any of the Above is a YES, Then I Want To Invite You To Join the 'Freedom Business Opportunity'. This One Decision that Could Change Your Life and Business Forever! 

Here Is How To Join the Freedom Business Opportunity...

The Freedom Business costs you NOTHING to JOIN.  All you need is to invest your time, determination, aspiration, dedication and commitment to success.This is a proven business model that changes many people's lives from an Ordinary OFW employee to Now a Successful Entrepreneur earning Millions.

All You Pay is $0!!

Start Your Freedom Business,,REGISTER FREE !

What is Freedom Business Opportunity?

Freedom business is open to anyone who has the desire and passion about helping people and making difference to other people's lives.

  • No Capital Required, No Experience Required
  • Make millions without Needing any Capital
  • Can Start Part Time alongside with current job
  • Can do anywhere, whenever or wherever
  • Global Business Opportunity
  • Exponential Profit potential
  • Can be online using Social Media & Power of Technology
  • Proven Business Model
  • WE will provide you with the support & system
  • Free Trainings & Business Support
  • Free Access to your Online Hub to monitor your clients & your profits.

Meet the People & Organisation behind the Success of Freedom Business!

Freedom Business Opportunity was being founded by the Power Couple, The FRICH Mentors an ordinary OFW from Italy to Now a Multi Multi Millionaire, Owner & Founder of Frich Revolution and Freedom Group of Companies. They are back to ithe Philippines, Free & Rich and Never have to work Abroad Again.Through the journey of their success in life, their story have been featured in international magazines, newspapers ,televisions and radios.

Filinvest Land Incorporation one of the largest developer in the Philippines with over 60 years of experienced, one of the leading full-range property developers in the Philippines with a diverse project portfolio spanning the archipelago. The company has developed over 2,500 hectares of land into homes for over 160,000 families all over Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.

FLI has diversified into building residential communities, townships, mid-rise and high-rise condominiums, BPO hubs, office buildings, shopping centers and leisure developments. With over 175 ongoing developments in 48 key areas across the country, FLI continues to expand and innovate, propelled by its commitment to build the Filipino dream.

Freedom Business have a Global Network of Ambassadors & Advocates from Asia, Middle East and Europe. For the past 20 years, There are over 30,000 ordinary OFW who became millionaires and over 300 plus Multi Millionaires.

They are overseas Filipinos who tried their lack to work abroad for a greener pasture working as a Caregivers, Nurses, Architects, Engineers, Domestic Helpers,Nunnies, Bankers, Teachers, Real Estate Brokers turned to become a Successful Freedom Business Owners who are now enjoying their Freedom Lifestyle!

So What is this FREEDOM BUSINESS all About? It's about>>> Buying & Selling Real Estate

So Why Real Estate & How do I make Money in Buying Real Estate? There are many reasons and benefits in buying Real Estate to name the few:

Passive Income : You can earn Passive Income through rentals. This is the best type of Income as you all have the Freedom and Flexibility of making money while you sleep, while on holiday or whatever or wherever you are the passive income is continuosly giving you income for life. This is a forever income unlike any other income that you only make money in accordance to the time you work for it. Meaning you are trading your time for Money whilst Real Estate as long as set up properly it will continuosly growing and giving you passive income forever.

Growth Potential & Multiplier Effect : Once you have acquired the Property it will continuosly growing and appreciate in value overtime. This is a Wealth creator machine that keep us more wealthy as we are getting older.Once you learn the power of leverage to generate more assets and you become unstoppable in acquiring more income generating real estate.

Oldest Asset Resale Collateral : The other beauty and benefits is once you have acquired your property you can use this as collateral or security towards to any loans financing institutions in terms of emergency needs.

Predictable,Tangible, Safe & Control : It is a predictable type of assets that you can predict the future value of your assets base on the historical performance of real estate in the local area.It is tangible, it's safe & you all have the freedom to control your own assets. Unlike any other form of Investments that you can not control as it all paper form and digital.

Using Other Peoples Money | OPM : This is a very Powerful tools and techniques to acquire unlimited number of real estate assets as you can use other Peoples Money to buy more properties.Especially if you understand and apply the FREEDOM BUSINESS Model principles wherein you barely use your Own Money to Buy more Properties.

Buy & Pay Reservation Fee joined the Freedom Business and start referring friends, colleagues & relatives then use the Commission to pay for the Property.Once you paid the full downpayment the Unit wil be turned over and ready for rentals. The rental income will use then and help you to pay for your bank loan or mortgages.

At this point of your Freedom Business you Now have 3 Ways to make money :

Commissions | Rental Income | Appreciation Value

How will I make money in SELLING Real Estate?

Through the Referral Program system of Freedom Business you will be able to generate an exponential income that will possibly change and transform your life and your career. The starting level will start @3% commissions.

For example :

If you will refer a friend who will invest into 3M project you will earn 90,000.00 pesos commission. What if you have referred :

3 Friends @ 90K each = 270,000.00 pesos

5 Friends @ 90K each = 450,000.00 pesos

You have the Opportunity to Level up from 3% up to 6% Commission Rate!

What if you are already reach the Level of a Business Partner @ 6% Commission Rate? What will be your Income potential? Do you think you can buy more properties to accelerate your Freedom Lifestyle? Definitely you will have more Buying Power as you will be earning more to buy more properties for Passive Income for Life.

For Example :

You made a personal sale of 3M project and you earned 180,000.00 pesos commissions. What if you sold :

5 Units @ 180K = 900K Pesos

10 Units @ 180K = 1.8M Pesos

You all have the Freedom to monitor Your Business Online !

  • Your Money through your Eastwest Bank Account
  • Your Business Sales & Management through your Online Sellers Hub
  • Your Commission Online
  • Your Sales Online
  • Your Products or Projects Online
  • Your Project Availability & Pricelist
  • Your Business Resources Online
  • Your Forms & Documents Online
  • Sample Unit Computation Online
  • Clients List & Payment Monitoring Online

So what are you waiting for? It's Time to take Action! You have Three Options that are readily Open for you Right Now!




Whatever be your chosen options you will have the Opportunity to make money and grow your wealth through Buying & Selling Real Estate the Freedom Business way!

Imagine in the future lifestyle when you have your Freedom Business start working for you!

Freedom of Choice | Worry Free

"Imagine yourself owning your own space in most luxurious, nice and comfortable condo when you go back home for holiday without the hassles and worries in looking where to stay.And You will have the option to rent out whilst you're back abroad. Giving you the lifestyle of having a continous passive income readily available to support your holiday expense, financial support for family in times of need and forever pension.

You will have the option to choose if you want to retire young and enjoy the freedom of time whilst you can. Just like the rich people they can manage their own time according to their own pace. No boss to deal with and you can choose the things that you love to do.

When you have an established and enough passive income to support yourself and your family you have the freedom of choice. You can choose to work or not> You can choose how you spend your time to whenever, to where ever and whom ever you want. You can be like "JUAN TAMAD" just lying and his hammock doing nothing but he has a continues flow streams of passive income.

Applying Warren Buffet's quote one of the richest investors in the World that he said " Learn How to make money while sleeping or on Vacation" otherwise you just been working through the rest of your life. And the Good News is Real Estate investing is one of the solution in making money while sleeping or on vacation. It is totally passive rental income once it was been set up correctly.

Imagine when you all have the freedom to travel with no limitation and with abundance of time and money. You can just go anytime visit your favourite places to relax, rejuvenate and just purely enjoying your freedom with your love ones.Freedom Business Income is the key to achieve the true Freedom.

Let's Get Started,,, Time to Turn our Dreams into Reality!!!

Freedom Business is the vehicle that transform many lives of an Ordinary OFW to Now a successful Entrepreneur enjoying their True Freedom. We have 3 Options here either we Buy Real Estate to give us a Passive Income for Life through Rental Income plus continuous value appreciation , Sell Real Estate that give us a Business Income through Commissions the choice is yours or may take it both Options just like many successful Freedom Bussines Owners,,They BUY & PROMOTE Real Estate!

- Yes I want to Buy & Sell Real Estate Now, REGISTER FREE -

Yes I want to be part of the Freedom Business Opportunity and I want to follow the Success Results of the Proud & Successful Business Owners

Gretchen Dasalla, a single mum and long-time bus driver in London. She held negative beliefs about property investments and business, content with her job. However, everything changed when she discovered Freedom Business. Embracing this opportunity transformed her outlook on life and her future.

Now a proud Freedom Business Owner & Investor, She owns five real estate investments that are steadily increasing in value, setting her on the path to building wealth and securing her financial future. Gretchen is grateful to Freedom Business for opening doors to a brighter tomorrow.

Maynard Portugal former Bank Teller in Rome Italy to Now a multi multi millionaire. A very successful Freedom Business Owner earning 55 million pesos in commission plus his 10 Real Estate Assets that continuosly growing in value and giving him continuos passive income for life through Rental Income.He just have more than enough to leave a legacy for his kids.

Janet Mores former Care Giver in Milan Italy to Now a multi multi millionaire. A very successful Freedom Business Owner earning 52 million pesos in commission plus her 11 Real Estate Assets that continuosly growing in value and giving her continuos passive income for life through Rental Income.She also have other businesses alongside with her freedom business.

Let's face it! If it works for someone who are in the same situation like yours. This will definitely work for everyone!

Yes! I am excited to start Now, REGISTER FREE!